Once you have exited your marital life and you start to focus on how your life will be post-divorce. You start thinking about what you’re new life will look like. This is your chance to make changes, to journey down a new path in life, explore and to rediscover who you are.  You start asking yourself questions like where am I going to live? What will I be looking for in a new partner? Who am I as a single person? What do I do now I am divorced?  And you wonder, where do I even begin?
Manifesting is about turning your dreams into reality!!!
Manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief. There is more to manifesting than willpower and positive thinking. Manifesting is about bring your wants in life into reality through your thoughts, actions, beliefs and your emotions.
All of our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and consciousness are composed of energy, an energy that vibrates through our physical body. Everything in life vibrates in some subtle way, nothing rests, every living thing moves.
The human body consists of five layers of energy. The first layer is the physical body, which has weight, shape, and volume. You can touch it, and you can see it. The other four layers which surrounding the physical body, are energies you can’t see, these are the etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual energy which makes up a person’s aura.
When your thoughts, actions, and emotions are negative, your body will produce lower vibrations. Which will make your body unbalanced and only attract negative energy because negative attracts negative.
When your thoughts, actions, and emotions are positive, your body will produce higher vibrations. Which will make your body energetically balanced.  If you are feeling excited, passionate, happy, appreciative, and focused on abundance, then you are sending out positive energy to the universe. That positive energy will attract people, resources and opportunities that resonate on the same energetic wavelength that will bring more positive things into your life. The universal principle states you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to is what will come back to you.
Manifesting your new life is very simple. It is very important to know exactly what you want. Your desires can either be external – new career, new relationship, your home or internal – self-love, peace, and acceptance. Make your intention as specific as possible. The more clear and concise you are the better. Instead of saying, “I want to meet my soul mate,” develop a detailed picture of what that person would look like (qualities and characteristics). 
Once you are specific, anchor your thoughts into your subconscious mind. It’s not enough just to focus on what you want – you have to believe that it’s possible. Leave your limiting beliefs behind that may cloud your vision, your fear and negative self-talk. And knowing that you are deserving, worthy, lovable, and capable to achieve any goal you can imagine. Everything you think about, talk about, and give your attention to is telling the universe what you want to attract into your life. Have faith and trust the process that your life is being guided and influenced by universal forces you may not even be aware of.
Once you set your intention, start documenting them. Write your intention down on paper or make a vision board with pictures of items you want to manifest.
Next, start working towards your goals. Knowing what you want is only part of the process – you will not see any results without action. Also, remember to keep your emotions positive of love, joy, appreciation, and be mindful and grateful for anything you receive – no matter how big or small it may be. Gratitude is Key.
Manifestation is a powerful thing. We control a lot by our thoughts. The energy we put out to the universe is the same energy we receive back. So, when we are planning our new life, even though you are going through an emotional roller coaster, it is important to keep our emotions positive and believe anything is possible. You now have a chance to always have the life you always wanted so go out there and get it!!!

